Last week was a bust for me as far as making art... I was sick and of course there is my goofy daughter who broke her foot and I say goofy cuz she is 25 and was at a friends got up off the couch to go to the restroom and rolled her foot and broke it... ummm she said that's all that happened... so on Saturday and Sunday I was able to work on a few things:
I added some color to the design. |
I have been adding more details. |
I belong to a group, Flygirls ATC Group and these are the lovely cards that I received...
So as I mentioned last week was a little rough trying to work on anything. Both my girls work in elementary education one works in a special needs class (she has graduated) and the other is student teaching (graduates in December) and it is almost like when they started school... they bring everything home and you get sick. Enough about being sick... I purchased some liquid dye this past weekend and am now using it to outline my drawing that I am painting in on fabric. I may have to purchase more but I do like the acrylic paints I am using right now. I am very excited about my ATC cards, I have never made them before but am enjoying this very much. The group of gals I am in with are very talented.
Well, time to go, getting late... Thanks for stopping by!