
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Zentangle #17

Today I woke up with the a Beatles song in my head…. "woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head"… I think my zentangle represents how I felt this morning… it's been a very busy past few weeks at work and I had a splitting headache when I got home yesterday and woke up with that song in my head… kind of funny. Well the week is almost over but working Saturday to take the Friday off after Thanksgiving…. Well need to get to bed, need to get to work early… thanks for looking!


  1. Love all your zentangles!
    They are very inspiring, thank you for sharing

  2. Your zentangles are so awesome. Does it take forever? Such works of art! It is supposed to be you find that to be true?
    So much to look at in each.

  3. I'm glad you got it out of your head. I LOVE it! I always pay attention to the songs that pop up randomly in my head...they always seem to have a message of some kind! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I try to see the intuition in the first glance it appears you compartmentalized things...perhaps needing to sort out the busy week?

  5. I love Zentangles and yours are very cool!!



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