My Mom had given me this large tin as I like to use them for storage in my "sewing" room... it was gold and had a poinsettia on the lid. I started revamping it last night and should of taken a before picture but alas I did not. I snapped some photos today...
After a little prep of sanding the tin, I painted it white and then an orange color. Then a jade green next with some hot pink toned down with some raw sienna. Next I started adding some magazine clippings, scrap paper and pages from a book that I painted for use as background paper....
Then I added some words along with some drawing and stamping I had done....
I painted the lid and the sides of the tin and it looks like this with everything...
I have been wanting to do this for some time... was in the mood last night and this morning. I am now painting a tin can to hold pencils or something not sure. Well.... I need to go back to ripping out stitches in my quilt so I can get that finished this week. Thanks for looking!